Health & Society

The World Health Organization

The World Health Organization was established on April 7, 1948. The first meeting of the World Health Assembly took place on 24 July. The WHO amalgamated the assets, personnel, and duties of the League of Nations’ Health Organization and the Office International d’Hygiène Publique, including the International Classification of Diseases (ICD)

The work began in earnest in 1951 after significant financial and technical resources were invested.

Universal health care

Universal health care is a health care system in which all residents of a particular country or region are assured access to health care.

The history of Universal health is bound with consumerism insofar as it came into being at the same time. After World War II, the need to ensure that the workforce was in good condition was seen as of great value. One might consider this to be similar to a farmer looking at his animal’s health to assess the value of his stock.

State financing

State financing of universal health care involves citizens contributing to the provision of health services through taxes. These are typically shared across the whole population, unless local governments raise and retain tax revenues. Some countries (notably Spain, the United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, Italy, Brazil, Portugal, India, and the Nordic countries) choose to fund public health care directly from taxation alone.

Other countries that only have insurance-based systems ineffectively meet the cost of insuring those unable to insure themselves via social security schemes funded from taxation. Either they directly pay their medical bills or they pay for insurance premiums for those affected. This does not work properly in most cases.

The countries that have direct state financing of health are the ones that have established health research establishments and research hospitals. Those countries that do not have direct health finance often fail completely in this area.

Great oratory

President John F. Kennedy’s address at Rice University, Houston, Texas, concerning the nation’s efforts in space exploration. In his speech, the President covers his perceived need for the United States to become an international leader in space exploration. He famously states, “We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.”

These were the days of great oratory

  1. These were the days of great oratory, when leaders possessed the intellectual capability to both make points and sell ideas.

  2. In the first part of his famous ‘We choose to go to the moon’ speech, John Fitzgerald Kennedy makes a brilliant assessment of human development and knowledge.

  3. But, at that time and still now, the United States does not have a national health system. This is absolutely uncivilized.

  4. If John Fitzgerald Kennedy had said, “We will create and provide the best health service from the cradle to the grave, regardless of race, colour, or creed.” Followed by saying “This will be the best health service in the world, guaranteed as a right and paid for by our great nation’s government,” then this speech would have lived up to the idealism he offered.

  5. Yet, he failed. He failed to address the real issues of the human condition. Instead, he focused upon a diversion from the arms race to a parallel space race.

Deliberate poisoning and experimentation?

The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) designed and undertook an illegal human experimentation program called Project MKUltra.

MKUltra was officially intended to develop procedures and identify drugs that could be used in interrogations to weaken individuals and force confessions through psychological torture and brainwashing. However, populations of towns and even cities were exposed to LSD in the water supply. The program started in 1953, was reduced in scope in 1964 and 1967, and was halted in 1973. MKUltra was not exclusive to the United States, and was also practised in the United Kingdom.

The MKUltra program utilized numerous methods to manipulate its subjects mental states and brain functions, such as the covert administration of high doses of psychoactive drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, electroshocks, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, and verbal and sexual abuse, in addition to other forms of torture.


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